Board Meeting President’s Call to order
Administrative/Legal Matter:
 Review and Approval of March 21, 2023 Board Meeting minutes

Buildings & Grounds:
 Architect Committee
o Meeting with Architect @6:30pm

 Landscaping / Snow Removal
o Spring Clean Up complete
o Schedule for Spring Plantings and Mulch
o Response from Community of Mulch Installation for their property at their cost

 Security
o Proposed install of additional security cameras
 Lighting
o Review modifications to street lighting
o Follow up re notification to owners for non-compliance with exterior lighting standards

o Review status of Pool repairs and opening

o Review current arrears and cash balances

o Status of reservations
o Schedule for cleaning
o Status of supplies

o Update project
o Need to photos for website

New Business:
o Next HOA Board Meeting May 16, 2023 @ 6:00pm at Clubhouse
o Discuss date for next Town Hall Meeting June 2023

Captain’s Walk HOA Board Meeting April 18, 2023 @6:00pm @ Clubhouse