Board Meeting President’s Call to order

Administrative/Legal Matter:

  • Review and Approval of January 18, 2022 Board Meeting
  • Review trespassing incident Jan 29-31
  • Review changes to By-Laws, Rules & Regulations; fines for violations of R&R
  • Change of Registered Agent with NYS Sec of State
  • Status of Q1 Community Survey

Buildings & Grounds:

  • Security
    • update/changes to security _cameras & gatehouse
    • Clubhouse door locks
  • Lighting
    • Road Lighting _ need to address different fixtures
    • Update Busch Asso  re Lighting
  • Snow Removal
    • Review recent snow storms removal
  • Other
    • Flag Pole rope replacement
    • Fence repairs
    • Roof _common area
    • Update to H2M proposal regarding Solar Installation guidance
    • Status of Certificate of occupancy for the clubhouse

Status of implementing new Owner Application Form for Exterior Alterations


  • Review January 2022 Management Report
  • Cash Balance & Arrears as of February 15, 2022
  • 2022 Budget update in process


  • Status of purchase of Keurig, Table, HVAC Filters
  • Purchase of Supplies -deferred until spring


  • “Messages from the Board” Postings
  • Applications for Exterior Alterations page update
  • Community Standards update re lighting _ where on website?

New Business:

Topics Discussed at Captains Walk HOA Board Meeting 02/15/2022 via zoom