7:00      Zoom call hosted by Amy Rosenthal

In attendance:  Amy Rosenthal, Kathleen McLaughlin, Susan Licalzi, Bob Kant, Neal Kilbane, Lucia Provenzano, Jeanne Otis, Bob Penney, Lois Penney, Steve Purpura, Sandra Feuerstein, Duane Albro, Kate Albro,  Lisa DiGangi, Bob LaGrega, Lenny Berkman, Vivian Rashbaum,  Ed Maher,  Ron Pesta, Della Charbonneau, Rich Charbonneau, Barbara DelVecchio, Caroline Kilbane, Laura Schnelle, Bob Schnelle, Brian Arellano (Touchstone).  Proxies/ballots were submitted to Touchstone electronically or by mail by 24 homeowners.

President Neal Kilbane greeted all in attendance and thanked the Board members for their service in the 2019/2020 term.

Brian Arellano provided proof of notice of the meeting.  Reading of the minutes of the preceding annual meeting was waived since they were provided to all homeowners.

Reports of officers were combined with reports of committees.  Buildings and Grounds was discussed by Bob Kant, who covered dock repairs, the upcoming replacement of the boardwalk,

Installation of cameras in the clubhouse.  Generators, gas heaters, and solar panels were discussed by all.

Neal Kilbane covered the finances of Captain’s Walk and the annual financial statement from our accountants.  Amy Rosenthal discussed the opening of the pool in 2020 and the processes the Board followed in the time of Covid to get the pool open.   Susan Licalzi informed everyone of the remaining steps in the landscaping plan which will be completed in coming weeks.

Touchstone employees were appointed to be inspectors.  Votes were counted privately. 

Neal Kilbane and Steve Purpura each received 14 votes and were elected to the Board for two year terms. Lisa DiGangi received 11 votes and did not qualify. 

A number of matters were brought up for discussion by members of the community, including  ways to provide power to Captain’s Walk in the event of a power failure, examination of new  boardwalk materials , procedures of the Board for approval of large expenditures, and courtesies that should be practiced among neighbors when entertaining. 

The new Board convened on Monday September 21, 2020 and elected the following  officers: 

Neal Kilbane                  President

Robert Kant                    Treasurer

Amy Rosenthal              Secretary

Susan Licalzi                   Vice President

Steven Purpura             Vice President

Captain’s Walk HOA Annual Meeting September 17, 2020