5:30 pm:  Meeting at pool:  Amy Rosenthal, Susan Licalzi, Neal Kilbane, Bob Kant, Kathy McLaughlin. 

President’s Call to order.

July 21, 2020 minutes approved.

Homeowner Matters/Requests

Administrative/Legal Matters

  •  Annual Meeting to be held virtually on September 17 at 7 pm.  Official notice of meeting and ballots to be sent by mail and email to all owners by Touchstone.  There are three announced candidates for two 2 year positions on the Board:  Lisa DiGangi (Unit 11), Steve Purpura (Unit 6) and Neal Kilbane (Unit 25).  Two with highest vote totals will join the Board.
  • Platform for hosting Annual Meeting to be determined and shared with community.
  • Holiday Decorating Guidelines will be circulated closer to the holiday season by Touchstone. 
  • Revise By-laws, Declarations, and Rules and Regulations to clarify penalties, definitions.
  • Guidelines to be developed for use of parking spaces, propane , generators.

Buildings & Grounds

  • Status of damage to Boardwalk from recent storms: Touchstone has repaired loose boards.
  • In recent instance when a light was damaged and smoldering, Touchstone should have been called immediately.  They have a 24 hour emergency number.
  • Dock repairs:  reviewed proposal from vendor.  Board voted to approve dock repairs based on current estimate.
  • Contract with A-1 sewers to be re-engaged to clean out all lines twice a year.
  • Owners to be reimbursed for costs associated with backup in their sewer lines.
  • Status of Touchstone’s inspection reports of all Captain’s Walk homes. 


  • Review July cash balances, management report, arrears as of July 21
  • Discuss renewal of $100K CD; invest additional $50K CD
  • Homeowners who are in arrears will be pursued.

Pool & Snow Removal

  • Pool operations going smoothly with online reservation system, lifeguard, monitor, and cleaning service in place.
  • Violation of pool rules by Units 1 and 11 owners.


  • Clubhouse closed during Covid.


  • Proposal to landscape parking areas between Units 2 and 3 and 24 and 25 to finish multi-year landscaping project presented and approved.  Additional irrigation will be required.
  • Review of invoices from Professional Irrigation.  Work done for individual homeowners must be billed to the homeowner. All service calls to Professional Irrigation should originate with Touchstone.

New Business

  • Board Meeting:  September 9, 2020 at 5:30 pm.
  • Annual Meeting: September 17, 2020 at 7:00 pm.

Meeting Adjourned.

HOA Board Meeting Summary 8.27.20