5:15 pm:  Meeting via Zoom:  Amy Rosenthal, Susan Licalzi, Neal Kilbane, Bob Kant, Kathy McLaughlin.

President’s Call to order.

May 26, 2020 minutes approved with revisions.

Homeowner Matters/Requests

Administrative/Legal Matters

  • Holiday decorating guidelines draft revisions to be reviewed at next meeting.
  • Neal Kilbane to draft community guidelines for all homeowners re fire limitations based on findings of Fire Marshall; have reviewed by Counsel before distributing.
  • Status of homeowner insurance compliance.
  • Insurance:  Significant premium increase mostly due to clubhouse improvements.  Renewal was presented without time to compare with other companies.
  • Community Survey to be comprehensive re finances, spending limits, use of reserves, rules and regulations, management company, parking to be created later in the year.

Buildings & Grounds

  • Dock repairs:  John Raines has been unresponsive;  must find new vendor to fix dock.
  • Status of Touchstone inspection reports of all Captain’s Walk homes.  Board to determine when notifications will be made regarding necessary repairs.
  • Parking:  usage of parking spaces around the community needs to be reviewed.

Pool & Snow Removal

  • Pool: Discussion of whether to open the pool this season, given guidance on liability for HOAs during Covid, new restrictions, how to monitor, how to report issues, waivers.  We will create online sign in sheet so homeowners can reserve pool times.
  • Amy to check with Aquatech.  Board will reconvene later in week to discuss findings.  Tentative opening June 27 if all conditions can be met.
  • (Note:  The Board met several times in June and July to work out the details of how to open the pool this year. Pool officially opened with lifeguard, pool monitor, and cleaning service in place, on Wednesday July 8.)    


  • Clubhouse closed during Covid.
  • East bathroom will be made available to pool users; access to rest of clubhouse blocked.
  • Bob Kant to move forward with contractor to install cameras in clubhouse and pool area.


  • Irrigation system needs to be checked; many areas of burnout and/or fungus around community.


  • Reviewed May 2020 management report, cash balances and arrears as of June 23.

New Business

  • Board Meeting:  July 21
  • Date for Town Hall to be decided.
  • Date for Annual Meeting to be decided.

Meeting Adjourned.

HOA Board Meeting Summary 6.23.20