6:30 pm:  Meeting via Zoom:  Amy Rosenthal, Susan Licalzi, Neal Kilbane, Bob Kant, Kathy McLaughlin, Brian Arellano.

President’s Call to order.

January 20, 2020 minutes approved.

Homeowner Matters/Requests/Legal Matters

 Status of Homeowner insurance compliance:  According to Touchstone, many homeowners have not submitted homeowners and/or flood insurance, as required under the Declarations. Four have not submitted flood insurance. Nine have submitted neither homeowner’s or flood insurance. Homeowners to receive final warning from Touchstone, after which fines will be levied on anyone not complying.

Community Survey to be comprehensive re finances, spending limits, use of reserves, rules and regulations, management company, parking. To be created later in the year.

Buildings and Grounds

Fence on East Side repaired by Good Day Fence.

Touchstone solicited estimates for replacing the east side fence with fencing matching front of community. Estimates ranged from $21000 to $25375. Estimates include dismantling and removing old fence. Matter tabled for future consideration.

Touchstone to provide Board with status of recent inspections of all Captain’s Walk homes.  Board to determine when notifications will be made regarding necessary repairs.

Dock Repair has been put on hold due to restrictions on work during Covid-19 pandemic.  John Raines has been hired to complete repairs as soon as conditions allow.

Pool and Snow Removal

Snow removal was minimal for 2019/2020 winter. Decision was made to not try to renegotiate contract for 2019/2020 winter.

Under Governor’s orders, pool openings are not essential, and are restricted. Therefore, Pool opening tentatively scheduled for late June 2020 subject to state orders. 


Irrigation contract covering opening and closing of system approved for 2020.

Giannini has performed Spring cleanup.  Order has been given to add annual plants at appropriate time.


Review March 2020 management report, cash balances, arrears.

A number of homeowners’ accounts appear to be in arrears due to late or incorrect payments of January 2020 fees. Those same accounts are accruing late fees.  If payments were corrected and accounts brought up to date in timely fashion, Touchstone will remove late fees and accruing interest and correct balances.


Bob Kant to look into proposal for 2 cameras.

Clubhouse is closed during Stay At Home directive.


All Board Members have been given access to HOA Website.

New Business

Board Meeting:  May 12

Date for Spring Town Hall to be decided.

Meeting Adjourned.

HOA Board Meeting 4.16 .20 Summary