Attended by Bob Kant, Neal Kilbane, Amy Rosenthal, Kathy McLaughlin, Susan Licalzi (by phone), Sandy Kant, Caroline Kilbane, Ann O’Neill, Ed Maher, Jeanne Otis, Kate Albro, Duane Albro.

4 pm   President’s Call to order/Welcome

Committee Reports:

Pool:    Amy Rosenthal

*Review of Summer 2019 pool season and recent meeting with AquaTech.

*Suggestions for next year include new pool vacuum and lifeguard station.

Landscaping:   Susan Licalzi

*Review of community landscaping.  Another fall cleanup is scheduled for early December. 

*Holiday decorations to be installed by Giannini December 2.

Buildings & Grounds: Neal Kilbane, Bob Kant

*Review status of roof leaks, difficulty of working with WaterTight. Explanation that GAF guarantee is only on materials.  Water Tight warranty is on installation and ends in 2023.

*Painting issues:  5 year guarantee from CertaPro expires 2020. Cannot be invoked on wood damage.

*Status of Bulkhead and Boardwalk Damage:  Damage to boardwalk  from July 4 boat accident to be repaired by John Raines.  Other damage to Boardwalk needs to be addressed.  Board is considering different materials for replacing sections of boardwalk.

Part of boardwalk needs to be lifted to inspect current status.  It was suggested that tie rods should also be inspected at that time.

 *East side along fence between Walker Beach and Captain’s Walk:  Survey shows that fence is positioned correctly along property line.  We are working with Brightwaters to clean up area of beach close to property line.

*Clubhouse Certificate of Occupancy is still in process.  Town of Islip requested Survey showing clubhouse on property.  Expediter is working on that. (Survey must be less than 5 years old.)

*Request from homeowner to have Touchstone paint over the surveyors’ paint marks on our roadways.  Neal Kilbane to submit work order.

Finance:  Neal Kilbane

*Review of current accounts and balances

*2020 Budget in process.  Monthly maintenance increase expected.

*Question from homeowner: Do we need an investment  policy? And/or an advisor? It was decided that one is not needed at this time.

 *Discussion of placing spending limits on the Board.  Neal Kilbane agreed to research what other HOA Boards do and get back to community.

Question:  Are rules regularly being broken at Captain’s Walk?  Who has the duty to report such violations?  Is that the responsibility of the Board, or of all homeowners?  It was decided that all Homeowners have the responsibility to report violations to the management company.

Clubhouse decorating on December 2 at 7 pm; all are invited.

Captain’s Walk Holiday Party on Sunday, December 15 at 4pm in the clubhouse.  Guests to bring favorite appetizer.

Meeting Adjourned

Captain’s Walk Town Hall Meeting 11.24.19 Summary