Captain’s Walk HOA Board Meeting         July 18, 2019                     

6:30 pm:  Kathy McLaughlin, Amy Rosenthal, Susan Licalzi, Neal Kilbane, Bob Kant , Brian Arellano.

President’s Call to order

Following an Executive Session, meeting opened with a brief discussion of some of the issues the Board has been concerned with regarding Touchstone Management.   Brian Arellano of Touchstone explained the circumstances that created a few ‘bumps in the road’ and why that was a temporary situation. 

Board would like to know more about submitting work orders to Touchstone online.  Explanation was given.  Brian agreed to review this process at our annual meeting in September.  Brian also said he would send a broadcast message to all owners about how to submit work orders.

Homeowners should be encouraged to contact Touchstone directly by phone, email, or by submitting a work order when there is a problem.  Homeowners should be discouraged from bringing these problems to Board members.

Buildings & Grounds:

East side survey has been completed.  The current fence is where it belongs. Touchstone to send letter to Brightwaters to request more thorough care and cleanup of area on their property adjacent to fence.

Life rings for boardwalk and t-dock have been delivered to clubhouse.  Touchstone to install those in their proper places.

Pool heater gate still needs to be painted.

Road seal coating would cost $6245.94.  No decision was made about going forward.

Clubhouse Certificate of Occupancy: Board agreed to hire Andrew Malguarnera to obtain a Certificate of Occupancy for the clubhouse at a cost of $2,375.00

Touchstone to call John Rainis, original dock builder, to assess damages to dock from July 4 accident and from normal wear and tear and recommend actions to be taken.

 Steve Purpura is working on a map of Captain’s Walk infrastructure, water & sewer lines, shut off valves, etc.

Roofs issues have calmed down for now.


Unit 19 has been informed that HOA bears no responsibility for roof damage.

The last of the LIMS records has been delivered to Captain’s Walk. They are currently stored in the ladies’ room in the clubhouse.  As they are old records, they will remain in our files here at Captain’s Walk.

Homeowner Requests:

Unit 6 requested permission to replace existing landscaping in front of house, to replace walkway with pavers, and to remove pergola in front of house and over garage.  Permission was granted unanimously to replace landscaping and walkway.  Final approval to be withheld on pergolas until Board can see what replacement would look like.  Replacing current dark brown gutters with light colored chain gutters was discussed, but no action is to be taken at this time.

Unit 9 to clarify why National Grid marked the roadway.

Unit 14 requested permission to replace his decks on the back and side of his house, the privacy fences on both sides of his house, the supports under his pergola, the awning on the back of his house, and some pavers in his walkway.  All would be replaced with materials matching what is currently in place.  Board reserves right to approve color of awning; all other matters were approved.  Owner to remove planter boxes along the edge of his deck and put plants in the ground.

 Unit 25 requested permission on behalf  of six homeowners to replace their current   garage lights with 19 inch bronze colored fixtures.  Photos were submitted and approved.

Unit 11 has been storing deck furniture on lawn.  Letter to be sent to request that painting of deck be completed and furniture stored on deck.  Letter will also include instruction to submit cleaning payment to Touchstone for clubhouse reservation and to inform homeowners that pool will be open on the days that they have reserved.

 Unit 19 requested information on painting of units.  Contract was with Certa Pro, Islip office.  Information has been provided to homeowner.

 Unit 21 has submitted an incident report after Della Charbonneau tripped and fell on the Boardwalk in June.

Unit 22 requested that more stones be added to the area behind his house.

Landscape Committee

Board approved spending up to $8000 to augment existing plantings along fence lines and in front of clubhouse, give more privacy to some owners, and replace some items that have failed. 

A decision was made regarding the area behind Unit 24 to not spend money to remove the old tree stumps or the rocks that are currently there, but to add grasses and plants to beautify the area. 

Grasses, hydrangeas and plum trees will be planted along West Side fence, and hydrangeas and other flowers will be planted in front of machinery in front of clubhouse.  Irrigation will need to be added to maintain               those new plantings; cost is included in $8000 estimate.

There was a request made to add some color to the West Side circle. 

It was agreed that additional colorful plants in pots will be purchased for pool area next summer.

Annual tree/bush trimming to be completed 7/23.

Pool and Snow Removal:

SCDHS permit requirements have been completed.

Lifeguards should have a sign in book for everyone using the pool area effective immediately.


Year End Accountants’ review expected by end of July.

Several homeowners are listed in arrears on Touchstone’s software.  Susan Licalzi to look into this.


Susan Licalzi to reach out to Joe Callahan to obtain old photos of Captain’s Walk.

Reservations status and process discussed.  Suggestions:  pay $50 cleaning fee to reserve the date; make check payable to HOA and send to Touchstone.  Reservations should be made through Touchstone.  When someone rents the clubhouse, people from pool can only use east door.  Clubhouse cannot be reserved when pool is open. (Touchstone to inform Unit 11 that pool will be open and available to all on August 23 and 24.)  New guidelines will be published in near future.


Website needs several updates.  Kathy McLaughlin to find consultant to help make necessary modifications.

 Touchstone to send first notice of annual meeting August 10.

 Kathy McLaughlin to send Save the Date email to all asap.


 Next Board meeting:  August 22.

 Annual Meeting:  September 10, 2019

  Next Town Hall: November 2019

Minutes approved from June 6 meeting.

Meeting Adjourned.

HOA Board Meeting Summary 7.18.19