Captain’s Walk HOA Board and Town Hall Meeting    July 24, 2018   SUMMARY  

Prior to community town hall meeting, Board met separately to quickly discuss:
Purchasing a new hot water heater for clubhouse.
Approved homeowner landscaping project.
Design of fence in front of hot water heater and A/C unit.
Scheduling:      Annual Meeting Thursday September 13 at 6:30.
Next Board meeting August 28 6:30.

6:45      President’s Call to order

In attendance:  Susan Licalzi, Neal Kilbane, Amy Rosenthal, Kathleen McLaughlin, Jeanne Otis, Martin Wolf, Della Charbonneau, Sandy and Bob Kant, Caroline Kilbane, Kate Albro, Maria and Steve Purpura.

Written reports provided to all attendees

Verbal reports given to all on the following subjects:

Installation of pool heater

Survey of bulkhead and boardwalk damage

Maintenance contracts

Repairs to steel railings outside clubhouse

Repairs to water line valves required by SCWA

Review billing from Suffolk County Sewer District

Replacement of hot water heater for clubhouse

Spring inspection of community and homes

Fence repairs along east and west sides

Dock step repairs on east end

Boardwalk lighting

Wetlands in front of #18

Extermination of carpenter bees, carpenter ants

Goose deterrents on lawn

Clubhouse sliding doors (decided to keep sealed based on advice regarding fire safety)

Gatehouse lighting, window treatments, trim

Improved signage at exit and around pool

Homeowner compliance with proof of insurance requirements

File recovery and storage

Discussion of reducing size of Board of Directors from 7 to 5 members, and of staggering terms of Directors.  It was agreed by all in attendance that this question should be put to the community to gauge support.

Treasurer’s report. Review of Budget vs actual revenue and expenses, review of reserve fund analysis, discussion of billing errors by LIMS.

Landscaping update provided.  Review of tree removal, pruning, spraying and maintenance, landscaping master plan, and trees to be added.

Report on Pool heater, pool attendant duties.  Review of patio furniture, replacement of garbage cans and umbrellas.

Social:  Positive reviews of Welcome Back Party and July barbecue.  Barbecue was attended by 26 people.  18 were residents.  12 households represented.

Decision to go forward with Friday happy hours for remainder of summer.

Annual meeting will be cocktail party on Thursday September 13 at 6:30 pm.  Notices to be mailed to all residents by LIMS.

New Business:

Suggestion was made to install a bench or benches along the t-dock for people to sit.  Neal Kilbane and Steve Purpura agreed to look into options that would be low maintenance and report back to community.





Town Hall Meeting Summary July 24, 2018