Captain’s Walk HOA Board Meeting         July 10, 2018                    SUMMARY

6:40      President’s Call to order

In attendance:  Susan Licalzi, Neal Kilbane, Anne Lambert, Amy Rosenthal, Kathleen McLaughlin, Jeanne Otis, and Linda Donato (LIMS)

Minutes of May 29, 2018 Meeting approved unanimously.

Administrative Matters:

Additional records have been obtained from past President Bob Penney

HOA insurance policies have been renewed and paid for

Status of homeowner compliance with requirement to provide proof of insurance

All homeowners must have up to date HO3 and flood insurance

Suffolk County Sewer payments have been reduced and paid

Discussion of changing number of Board members from 7 to 5.  Would require change of

By-laws.  By-laws can be altered, amended, or added to at any duly                                             called meeting of Association Members.  Notice of meeting must include                                                    full statement of the proposed amendment.  Quorum of 51% must be                                                   present. Amendment requires 66 2/3 approval.

Tabled for future discussion: Community Policy re holiday decorations, landscaping, and                                          lighting

Buildings & Grounds:

              Bulkhead and Boardwalk have been cleaned, repaired, and preserved.

Spring inspection of community and homes incomplete.

Fence repairs to east side completed

Step repairs to east end of boardwalk completed

Boardwalk lighting installed

Sprinkler line in front of Unit 18: LIMS to unclog pipe. Drain to be reattached

after repairs are complete

Gatehouse:  New blinds to be purchased.  New recessed lighting to be installed

Replace signs at exit (1 car only) and around pool area

Suburban Exterminators:  treatment for carpenter bees;  carpenter ants?

LIMS to research treatments, prices for carpenter ants

Assess damage to trellises on fronts of homes; research replacement costs.

RPZ valve inspected and approved by Suffolk County

Cobblestones around entry area displaced by valve replacement to be replaced

Need contracts for maintenance of gas furnace, air conditioning unit

Suffolk Lock contract for fire and smoke alarms determined to be for ten years



Review of reserve fund, spending on recent projects, balances

Requested change by LIMS in booking of assessments and keeping track of payments



              Review of bills for tree trimming and landscaping

Discussion of additional work needed

Daylilies outside fence to be replaced



Pool heater has been installed; needs to be turned around and fenced

Heater has been set to 88 degrees; there is a 3 degree differential, resulting in pool

water being heated to  85 degrees, the desired temperature

Suffolk County Health Department has several recommendations re our pool, including

signs to be posted, repairs to drain, and other items. LIMS to complete

Poolside tables and chairs have been sanded and painted

Pool cover assembly has been repaired

Buy and install thermometer for pool, to check temperature



Old folding chairs in outside closet to be donated.

Clubhouse garbage cans replaced

Steel railings outside clubhouse have been sanded and painted

Ceiling of clubhouse near East entrance was repaired

LIMS to change clubhouse lights to regular dimmers

Clubhouse hot water heater to be replaced

Steel railings outside clubhouse have been sanded and painted

Ceiling of clubhouse near East entrance was repaired

Board meeting summary July 10, 2018